MidWest Homes for Pets Newly Enhanced Single…



An Effective Tool for Behavior Training and a Personal Space for Your Dog

Reduces housebreaking time!

New World crates help with housebreaking and reducing unwanted behaviors like chewing and barking. When you use a New World crate, you give your dog a place to feel secure. You will also be taking advantage of his natural instinct to keep his home clean, therefore, when he has to “go” he will try to hold it until you can take him outside to the proper area.

Creates a den-like personal space for your dog!

All dogs have a strong natural tendency to seek out shelter. In your home, if your dog has no place to call his own, he will make attempts to curl up under a table or some other location. A crate provides a personal, den-like space for your dog to call his own. Add a soft bed for even more comfort.

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